
Ages & Classes

Pre-K – 5 Day 5’s M-F 9:15am - 1:00pm 5 before 12/31/2024 $7,000

Students must be potty trained. Annual tuition is broken down into 10 payments.

5 Day 4 year-olds M-F 9:15am - 1:00pm 4 before 12/31/2024 $7,000
3 Day 4 year-olds M, W, F 9:15am - 1:00pm 4 before 12/31/2024* $5,000

*preference to students whose birthdays are after 9/30

Students must be potty trained. Annual tuition is broken down into 10 payments.

5 Day 3 year-olds M-F 9:15am - 1:00pm 3 before 12/31/2024 $7,000
3 Day 3 year-olds M, W, F 9:15am - 1:00pm 3 before 12/31/2024 $5,000
2 Day 3 year-olds T & TH 9:15am - 12:00pm* 3 before 12/31/2024 $3,500

*optional 1 hour lunch begins 10/01 for an additional fee

Students must be potty trained. Annual tuition is broken down into 10 payments.

2 Day 2 ½ year-olds T & TH 9:15am - 12:00pm* 2 before 3/1/2024 $3,500

*optional 1 hour lunch begins 10/01 for an additional fee
Students do not need to be potty trained. Annual tuition is broken down into 10 payments.


*Potty Trained is defined as:

  • Wears underwear during the day at school and at home
  • Can identify and communicate the need to use the bathroom
  • Uses the bathroom independently, including be able to manage clothing and hygiene
  • Can remove most clothes and put clothes back on as necessary.
  • We understand that potty accidents are expected, but should be a rare occurrence.

For all classes meeting until 1:00pm, children should bring a nonperishable lunch; all lunches must be marked with the child’s name and the date.

NOTE: All classes will end at 12:00 noon for the first week of school. 3 and 5 Day classes will extend to 1:00pm and include lunch beginning the second week of school.

For our inclement weather policy, please click here.

Prompt morning arrival and prompt afternoon pick-up is expected

For security and safety, the main preschool door (near the playground/parking lot) locks at 9:30 am. If arriving after 9:30 am, please come to the preschool office (located past the playground), ring the bell and enter through the glass door. There will be a $10 late charge for children not picked up by 1:10 pm, and this amount will increase by one dollar per minute after 1:10 pm. The late fee is payable in the preschool office at the time you pick up your child. There will be no refunds for missed days such as holidays, sickness or snow days.

Lunch Bunch for Three Year Old Classes

For the three-year-olds classes, an optional lunch until 1:00pm is available Monday through Friday. Lunch Bunch will start the first week in October and run through the end of school. The children should bring a non-perishable lunch; all lunches must be marked with the child’s name and the date. There will be a sign up sheet outside each classroom on the 20th of each month. The first sign up will be on September 20th for October. When you sign up, it is for the full month; this is not a drop in program.