Registration for currently enrolled and alumni families begins on the first school day in January. Members of Trinity Church members can also begin registering on the first school day. In the beginning of January, you will receive a new registration form from your teacher. Parents will need to update the registration form and bring to the preschool office along with registration fee of $150 by the day of the lottery (see calendar for exact date). Priority registration ends on the day of the lottery. After this, remaining spots will be assigned at the public lottery.
In December, you may register for the lottery. If your child receives a spot at the lottery, we will contact you to complete registration. Within 24 hours of begin notified that you have a spot from the lottery, you will need to complete a registration form and bring your child’s birth certificate to register. You will also need to pay the registration fee of $150.
Admission Requirements
Trinity enrolls students aged under two and a half through five years old.
- Students who are enrolled in the 3 year-old, 4 year-old or Pre-K classes must be potty trained prior to coming to school (recognize the urge to go/recognize the need when prompted, dress and undress without assistance, and manage personal clean-up).
- Student who are enrolled in the under 2.5 year-old class may continue to wear diapers.
- Trinity Preschool does not accept students who claim religious exemption from vaccinations.
Class Options
- Our Under two and a half year old classes meet either one day a week (Friday) or two days a week (Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday & Thursday)
- Our three year-old classes meet either two days a week (Tuesday and Thursday), three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) or five days a week .
- Our four year-old classes meet either three days a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) or five days a week.
- Our Pre-K class for five year-olds meets five days a week.
Please refer to our programs by age group here for age and birthdate requirements for each class.
- Fall/Winter: Schedule a tour of the school or attend an Open House – Tours of the school occur throughout the year.
- Fall/Winter: New families register for Lottery
- January 1- Lottery Day: Priority Registration for enrolled/alumni families and church members.
- Mid-January: The lottery drawing will be held and posted for the following school year. Registration form and fee are due for children who receive a spot in the school.
- First week of April: Information packet is sent home to students enrolled for the fall. The packet includes a “Get to Know You” questionnaire and the required Medical Form.
- May 15th: Tuition deposit due for following year. This deposit, along with the registration fee, is non-refundable. Pay online or view other payment options here
- Mid-August: Teacher Assignment letters are sent home to families.
Once class rosters are filled, we compile a wait list for each class. We use the wait lists throughout the year. There is no cost to be on the wait list. If an opening comes available, you will be notified by email and/or phone message. Families then have until 9:30am of the next business day to indicate acceptance.